Rifle and rifling
I became interested in the origins of "rifle" (weapon with spiral grooves in the barrel) and rifling (going through someone's property) MWO shows :Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French rifler...
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Grimm has for German "Riffel":RIFFEL, f. eine kammartige, mit spitzen Eisenzhnen versehene Vorrichtung, durch welche man den Flachs zieht, um die Samenkapseln desselben abzustreifen.i.e.: "Riffel - a...
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All the senses are ultimately from the French. The specialized weapons usage may have originated in English, however. The answer is not known for certain.Some use "musket" to refer to smooth-bore...
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Forgot to mention: The earliest quote for German "Riffle" given in Grimm is from 1368.
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